Slip Op. 97-62 (May 27, 1997)

Court No. 97-02-00216




Slip Op. 97-63 (May 27, 1997)

Court No. 97-02-00217



The Department of Commerce ("the Department") has prepared these final results of redetermination pursuant to remand orders from the U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) in NSK/U.S. and NSK-RHP/U.S. In accordance with the CIT's instructions, we have made the appropriate changes to our calculations, which we describe in greater detail below. These changes have resulted in a revised weighted-average margin of 12.61 percent and 21.61 percent for ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearings manufactured by NSK Corporation ("NSK Ltd."), respectively, and 20.15 percent and 23.60 percent for ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearings manufactured by NSK Bearings Europe Ltd., and RHP Bearings Ltd. ("NSK/RHP"), respectively.


On May 27, 1997, the CIT issued orders remanding to the Department the Final Results of Administrative Reviews of the Antidumping Duty Orders on Antifriction Bearings (other than tapered roller bearings) and parts thereof from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and the United Kingdom; Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Reviews, 62 FR 2081 (January 15, 1997) ("AFBs VI"). The remands affect NSK Ltd. with respect to the antidumping duty orders on ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearings from Japan and NSK/RHP with respect to the orders on ball bearings and cylindrical rollers bearings from the United Kingdom.

In NSK/U.S., the CIT remanded AFBs VI to the Department to: (1) include the variable REBATE2H (lump-sum post-sale price adjustment sales rebates) in the DISCREBH (discount rebate) amount that is deducted from the calculation of home market net price; (2) calculate credit for constructed value separately by class of merchandise; (3) calculate constructed value credit by converting the foreign currency (yen) values to U.S. dollars only once; (4) rename the variable PARTNUMB as PARTNUM; and (5) multiply the entered value for sampled U.S. sales by the weighting factor only once when calculating importer-specific duty rates.

In NSK-RHP/U.S., the CIT remanded AFBs VI to the Department to: (1) calculate credit for constructed value separately by class of merchandise; (2) calculate constructed value credit by converting the foreign currency (pound sterling) values to U.S. dollars only once; (3) correct the computer language so that cylindrical roller bearings sales are not sampled; (4) include credit insurance when calculating DSELCOP (direct selling expenses for cost of production); (5) weight the values for total home market selling expenses (TOTSELLH) and total home market movement expenses (TOTMOVEH) by a factor of two to establish uniform weighting of home market expenses; (6) apply the default credit period for those U.S. sales missing payment dates to net selling price (defined as the original selling price less billing adjustments and rebates); and (7) multiply the entered value for sampled U.S. sales by the weighting factor only once when calculating importer-specific duty rates.


Correction to Clerical Errors in Calculations for NSK Ltd. and NSK/RHP

In accordance with the CIT's instructions, with respect to both companies, the Department has: (1) recalculated credit for constructed value separately by class of merchandise; (2) recalculated constructed value credit by converting the foreign currency values to U.S. dollars only once for each company; and (3) multiplied the entered value for sampled U.S. sales by the weighting factor only once when calculating importer-specific duty rates.

Correction to Clerical Errors in Calculations for NSK Ltd.

In accordance with the CIT's instructions, with respect to NSK Ltd., the Department has: (1) included lump sum post-sale price adjustment sales rebates in the discount rebate amount that is deducted from the calculation of home market net price; and (2) used the correct variable for part number throughout the computer program by renaming the variable PARTNUMB to PARTNUM.

Correction to Clerical Errors in Calculations for NSK/RHP

In accordance with the CIT's instructions, with respect to NSK/RHP, the Department has: (1) corrected the computer language so that cylindrical roller bearings sales are not sampled; (2) included credit insurance when calculating direct selling expenses for cost of production; (3) weighted the values for total home market selling expenses and total home market movement expenses by a factor of two to establish uniform weighting of home market expenses; and (4) applied the default credit period for those U.S. sales missing payments dates to net selling price.


In accordance with the remand orders, we have revised our calculations for the final results of AFBs VI for NSK Ltd. and NSK/RHP.

The recalculated weighted-average percentage dumping margins for ball bearings ("BBs") and cylindrical roller bearings ("CRBs") for these firms for the period May 1, 1994 through April 30, 1995, are as follows:


Company BBs CRBs

NSK Ltd. 12.61% 21.61%


Company BBs CRBs

NSK/RHP 20.15% 23.60%

This final redetermination is pursuant to the orders of the CIT in NSK Ltd., and NSK Corporation v. United States, Slip Op. 97-62, and RHP Bearings Ltd., et al. v. United States, Slip Op. 97-63 (May 27, 1997).


Robert S. LaRussa

Acting Assistant Secretary

for Import Administration

